The conference is organized by Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Department of Engineering, Federico II and CRdC.
TOP-Conference provides opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects. The form of the conference allows invited presentations as well as contributions from participants.
The 10th Conference on "Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites" is organized by Italian groups on polymer science and composites. It provides a forum for scientists and engineers throughout the world interested in the timescales of polymers and composites processing, structure and properties. As time is the driving concept in the polymer science community, TOP-Conferences include sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on both fundamental science and industry-relevant subjects.
The conference program will be focused on the more recent advances in the following topics:
- Composites
- Nano-Composites
- Polymer Chemistry
- Biomaterials
- Rheology
- Glass Transition
- Soft Materials
- Nanoconfined polymers
- Sensors
- Processing
- Durability
The conference is organized in oral and poster sessions. Each registered delegate can give only one presentation. To present a contribution (oral or poster) it is required to submit alternatively an abstract or a paper. Please, consider that the paper (within 4 and 6 pages long) is required ONLY if the author want to publish their contribution (oral or poster) in Macromolecura Symposia. Submission must be done using only the Wiley website and not the TOP conference website. The papers to be published in book of proceedings MUST be submitted at and following the instructions at
ONLY in case the authors do not want to publish their contribution, a 300 words abstract is required. The 300 words abstract should be sent by email to Please do not sent short abstract in case you want the paper published in Macromolecular Symposia.
The deadline for the submission of your contribution is fixed to be June 15th, 2021.
- Alberto D’Amore, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
- Domenico Acierno, CRdC Nuove Tecnologie
- Luigi Grassia, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
- Giuseppe Mensitieri, University of Naples “Federico II”
Abstract/Paper Submission deadline* June 15th, 2021
Notification of paper acceptance June 15th, 2021
Early registration deadline June 30th, 2021
* in order to submit the paper, please fill the registration form by visiting the Registration Page.
Best Young Researcher's Award
The scientific committee will award the best young researcher's paper. The selection will be done over those young delegates up to 35 years old. The awarded scientist will gain the status of invited speaker at the next TOP Conference with registration and accommodation fees waived. The applications for the award should be submitted by using the dedicated Award Form.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Oregon
The TOP conference has presented in the years a valuable mix of internationally renowned speakers and local presenters, which creates an interesting group of interacting scientists and engineers, comprising all the levels of expertise from the students and postdoctoral researchers to the world experts.
The interpersonal climate and the local setting are congenial to the informal interaction of all involved.
Editor-in-Chief of Polymer Degradation and Stability
Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand - Equipe Photochimie - POPPI
TOP Conference is a well reputed conference on the advancement of materials science and technology, meaningful occasion to confirm major research results and up-to-date research trends in the world, and materialize the results of research. The Conference is unique in that it attracts numerous chemists, physicists and scientists from diverse fields in efforts to promote interdisciplinary research on polymers and composites.